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Peer Mississippi

A Financial and Operational Survey of Electric Power Associations and Municipal Electric Utilities in Mississippi

Report #133 - 101 pages

Peer Mississippi

Fiscal Year 1982 Evaluation of the Governor's Office of Job Development and Training

Report #132 - 26 pages

Peer Mississippi

A Review of Developments and Mississippi Public Service Commission's Regulatory Actions Concerning Mississippi Power and Light Company Grand Gulf and Independence Plant Decisions

Report #131 - 32 pages

Peer Mississippi

An Analysis of the Operation of the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry

Report #130 - 168 pages

Peer Mississippi

Fiscal Year 1982 State Indicators Report: A Survey of Financial Data and Management Information Relative to State Agencies and Budget Units

Report #129 - 568 pages

Peer Mississippi

A Management Review and Performance Evaluation of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Conservation

Report #128 - 72 pages

Peer Mississippi

An Investigation of Complimentary Athletic Ticket Distribution by State Universities

Report #127 - 40 pages

Peer Mississippi

An Investigation of Abuse and Abuse Potential at the State's Mental Retardation Centers

Report #126 - 147 pages

Peer Mississippi

A Management Review and Performance Evaluation of the Mississippi School for the Deaf

Report #125 - 193 pages

Peer Mississippi

An Analysis of the System of Budgeting and Accounting, Inventory Procedures, and Other Selected Areas of Operation in the Division of Vocational-Technical Education of the Department of Education

Report #124 - 52 pages