On examination of the records and accounts and review of the operations of the Highway Department for FY 1973, PEER staff found the accounting system generally reliable. Most exceptions to this noted in the report resulted from variances with management interpretation and implementation.
One weak area of accounting control and management of assets was the inventories of materials and supplies. The PEER Committee recommended that these inventories be correctly recorded, valued and controlled. Overstatement of employee benefits should be corrected, and an unnecessary maintenance shop at Houston, Mississippi, should be closed.
Because of a revenue allocation problem with the Motor Vehicle Comptroller, the Highway Department was required to draw on its high yield investments for operating capital. To correct this, the Committee recommended that funds from the Motor Vehicle Comptroller be distributed concurrently each month with other funds.
For a paper copy of this report, contact PEER by telephone at 601-359-1226 or by e-mail at reports@peer.ms.gov.